
21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act

Subcommittee: Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee, Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Time: 10:00 AM


H.R. 2187 - 21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act was ordered reported, as amended, to the House by a vote of 31 to 14

George Miller (CA)


Amendment #1 to H.R. 2187 by Mr. Miller (CA)
Included in Motion to Favorably Report the Bill to the House, as Amended

Amendment #2 to H.R. 2187 by Mr. Castle (DE)
Defeated 15 to 28 Roll Call #1

Amendment #3 to H.R. 2187 by Mr. Polis (CO)
Passed by voice vote

Amendment #4 to H.R. 2187 by Mr. Kline (MN)
Defeated 15 to 28 Roll Call #2

Amendment #5 to H.R. 2187 by Mr. Sestak (PA)
Passed by voice vote

Amendment #6 to H.R. 2187 by Mr. McKeon (CA)
Passed by voice vote