
Chairman Scott Statement on White House’s Inadequate Proposal for COVID-19 Relief

WASHINGTON – Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) released the following statement regarding the White House’s latest coronavirus relief offer.  

“The erratic behavior coming from the White House this week is a perfect example of why it has been so difficult to negotiate relief for the American people. The Trump administration fundamentally does not grasp the urgency or scale of this crisis. And the latest proposal — which falls woefully short of providing meaningful relief for students, workers, and families — is further evidence that this White House does not have a comprehensive plan to defeat the virus. 

“The lack of sufficient support for state and local governments, in combination with their measly offer to increase funding for education stabilization, is not enough to help schools reopen safely. Additionally, our child care system is on the brink of collapse and their proposal would not even cover half of what is needed.  If we cannot reopen schools safely and without child care, we will never fully be able to reopen the economy. 

“Moreover, seven months into one of the worst public health crises this country has ever experienced, infection rates are rising again, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) still refuses to issue any enforceable workplace safety standards.  Meanwhile, thousands of workers in meat processing plants, grocery stores, prisons, nursing homes, postal facilities, and other workplaces are falling ill and even dying.  Instead, the administration is recklessly proposing to shield employers who operate unsafely by creating new legal protections for those who negligently cause their employees or customers to fall ill from COVID-19.   

“Last week, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell testified that the current downturn will be longer, deeper, and more painful if Congress does not provide substantial relief. We cannot wait any longer; the White House and Senate Republicans must stop playing politics and get serious about helping the American people overcome this virus.” 


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