
“H.R. 604, the Reopen and Rebuild America’s Schools Act (RRASA); H.R. 7701, the Wage Theft Prevention and Wage Recovery Act; H.R. 5407, the Enhancing Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Through Campus Planning Act; H.R. 6493, the Campus Prevention and Recovery Services for Students Act of 2022; H.R. 7780, Mental Health Matters Act

Issue: Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline Date: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 Time: 10:15 AM Location: 2175 Rayburn and Via Zoom (Hybrid Markup)



Offered By



Roll Call

H.R. 604 - the Reopen and Rebuild America’s Schools Act (RRASA)


Mr. Norcross

Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute

Adopted by Voice Vote




Mrs. Steel

Requires the Department of Education to conduct a report on the impact of the bill on the cost and availability of construction supplies, and to prohibit expenditures of funds under the bill unless the report shows that the bill will not increase costs or worsen supply shortages.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote







Mrs. McClain

The amendment strikes language requiring states to give priority in the first year of the program to school districts that will use the funds to improve school facilities to facilitate social distancing, improve ventilation, and take other steps consistent with CDC guidance. The amendment would also strike similar language from the facilities database states are required to develop and maintain under the bill.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote









Mr. Grothman

Requires school districts to ensure that all employees, and the employees of contractors and subcontractors, paid with funds received under the bill to be legally authorized to work in the United States.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote





Mr.  Good

Prohibits school districts from receiving grant funds if they are located in a sanctuary jurisdiction.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote









Mr. Jacobs

Prohibits school districts from receiving grants under the bill if they have not expended all funds allocated to the district under the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency fund as appropriated under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021, and the American Rescue Plan Act.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote





Mr. Courtney

Report H.R. 604

Adopted by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote




H.R. 7701 - the Wage Theft Prevention and Wage Recovery Act


Ms. Adams

Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute

Adopted by Voice Vote



Mr. Keller

 Specifies that for purposes of the bill’s pay stub and disclosure requirements and right to full compensation, the nature and degree of an individual’s control over his or her work and the opportunity to earn profits or incur losses based on individual initiative are core factors in determining a worker’s classification as an employee or independent contractor.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote






Mr. Good

Exempts employers with fewer than 10 employees or annual sales under $1,000,000 from increased civil penalties.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote





Mr. Comer

 Specifies that for the purposes of the bill’s pay stub and disclosure requirements and right to full compensation, an employer may only be considered a joint employer of another employer’s employee when the employer directly, actually, and immediately exercises significant control over the employee’s essential terms and conditions of employment.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote





Mrs. Miller-Meeks

Strikes the bill text and inserts the text of H.R. 5743, the Ensuring Workers Get PAID Act of 2021, which codifies the Trump Administration’s Payroll Audit Independent Determination (PAID) program. 

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote





Mr. Courtney

Report H.R. 7701

Adopted by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote




H.R. 5407 - the Enhancing Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Through Campus Planning Act


Ms. Wild

Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute

Adopted by Voice Vote




Mr. Courtney

Report H.R. 5407

Adopted by  Voice Vote



H.R. 6493 - the Campus Prevention and Recovery Services for Students Act of 2022


Ms. Leger Fernandez

Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute

Adopted by Voice Vote



Mr. Courtney

Report H.R. 6493

Adopted by Voice Vote


 H.R. 7780 - the Mental Health Matters Act


Mr. DeSaulnier

Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute

Adopted by Voice Vote




Mr. Allen

A substitute amendment that strikes the entire text of the bill and replaces it with a new program, administered by the Department of Education, that would award competitive grants to state educational agencies and competitive subgrants to eligible entities (including local educational agencies, charter schools, and private schools) to address the mental health needs of schools.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote





Mrs. Miller

Strikes language regarding preparing mental health service providers to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ students.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote





Mr. Allen

Makes implementation of the Strengthening Behavioral Health Benefits Act conditional on the Department of Labor issuing a rule to assist employers and plans to meet mental health parity requirements. The amendment also strikes the bill’s additional funding for enforcement.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote





Mrs. Harshbarger

Removes the bill’s multiemployer benefits plan exemption from the bill’s prohibition on discretionary clauses in employee benefit plans.

Defeated by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote





Mr. Courtney

Report H.R. 7780

Adopted by a Full Committee Roll Call Vote







Member Statements

  1. Ranking Member Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (Democrat - Virginia)